World 100 Club
8th Annual Meeting (2011)
Pelican Hill, Newport Beach, California
The West Team successfully defended the Riley Plate at the Pelican Hill Golf Resort. The East Team put up some impressive numbers on Thursday with rounds in the 70s from Walt Dennis, Dave Hickton, and Vern Davenport. Several matches were decided by “Blind Draw” with the West prevailing in the majority of those. Hank Wolf’s steady play for the East enabled him to win his second World 100 Club Cup (the first was at the initial World 100 Club event held at Pinehurst). Going into the Saturday singles matches, the East still had a chance to reclaim the Plate, but the West held on to win 9 of the 16 singles matches. Richard Bergman was the unofficial “MVP” of the West Team, winning all three of his matches.
The 2012 tournament moves to a venue out East, giving the East Team home field advantage in its bid to wrestle the Plate from the West Team.
Final Tally:
Best Ball: North Course West 6 Points East 2 Points
Stableford: South Course West 5 Points East 3 Points
Singles: North Course West 9 Points East 7 Points
Total: West 20 Points East 12 Points
Vase Winner: Walt Dennis
Cup Winner: Hank Wolf